Saturday, August 16, 2008



AA2 said...

I am working in design some script to copy files from a specific directory and put them into a new one directory, the structure could be..

file(s) to be copied (it could a file with the files name to be copied, and if the format is a column, it will be ok)

address in(where are these files)

address out (destiny of the copied files)

I check some script in perl, and I found a script in

the script is #!/usr/bin/perl

# copy_without_xattr
# Files on OS X can have resource forks and other extended attributes and
# as of Tiger (10.4) the 'cp' command copies these extended attributes.
# This script copies the file(s) given as command-line args
# to the destination given as the last command-line arg
# but suppresses the copying of extended attributes.
# I.e. it does the same thing as /bin/cp except for the extended attributes
# This is useful when the destination is on a non-HFS volume
# in order to avoid the "._" files that would otherwise be produced.
# (These "._" files hold the extended attributes and resource fork info)
# Cameron Hayne ( Sept 2005

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;

my $scriptName = basename($0);
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2)
print("usage: $scriptName file1 [file2 file3 ...] destDir");
exit 1;

my $destDir = pop(@ARGV);
my @files = @ARGV;
die "$scriptName: $destDir is not a directory\n" unless -d $destDir;
die "$scriptName: $destDir is not writable\n" unless -w $destDir;
foreach my $file (@files)
die "$scriptName: $file is not a file\n"
unless -f $file;
die "$scriptName: File $file does not exist or is not readable\n"
unless -r $file;

# We set an environment variable to disable the copying of extended attributes
# Unfortunately, /bin/cp does not look at COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE
# or this script would be as simple as: /bin/cp @ARGV
# We use '/usr/bin/tar' (which does look at COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE)
# to simulate the effect of /bin/cp
# Note: to test future versions of 'tar' to see if they are using this variable,
# you could use the command:
# 'strings /usr/bin/tar | grep COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE'


my $tmpFile = "/tmp/$scriptName$$";
my $tarCreateCmd = "/usr/bin/tar -cf $tmpFile";
foreach my $file (@files)
my $fname = basename($file);
my $dname = dirname($file);
# we use the "-C" option so that the archive will have the basenames
$tarCreateCmd .= " -C $dname $fname";
system($tarCreateCmd) == 0
or die "$scriptName: failed to create tar file: $!\n";;

chdir($destDir) or die "$scriptName: failed to chDir to $destDir: $!\n";

my $tarExtractCmd = "/usr/bin/tar -xf $tmpFile";
system($tarExtractCmd) == 0
or die "$scriptName: failed to extract tar file: $!\n";;

unlink($tmpFile) or die "Failed to unlink $tmpFile: $!\n";

It seems almost ok for my purpose, but I write some changes.

Other script that could be useful, is in

use File::Copy;


use POSIX;
use File::Copy cp;

$n = FileHandle->new("/a/file","r");

but I saw that it requires a module, isn't it?

AA2 said...

Also I check this script, but it remark that file::Copy does'n work

use strict;
use File::Copy;

open( IN, "/Users/paul/Desktop/missinglist" );

my $line;
my @line_array;
while ( $line = IN )
push(@line_array , split(/\r/, $line ));
my $num = @line_array;
my $count = 0;
my $patha;
my $pathb;
my @array;

while ($count < $num) {
my @array = split(/\t/, @line_array[$count] );
my $patha = @array[0]; #this is the first path ex. "/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Silbermond/Verschwende deine Zeit/17 Symphonie (On Stage).m4a"

my @array = split(/\t/, @line_array[$count] );
my $pathb = @array[0]; #this is the second path ex. "/Users/paul/Desktop/itunescopy/17 Symphonie (On Stage).m4a"

print "-$patha-\t-$pathb-\n";
copy($patha, $pathb); #this should copy, but doesn't - when the paths are directly typed in here w/ quotes, it works

AA2 said...

Juan Caballero a dit:

Juan: cp *.fasta directorio/

Juan: entonces: cp 1.fasta 2.fasta 3.fasta 4.fasta directorio/
o si tienes un archivo con la lista que te interesa:
cp `cat list` directorio/

Juan: pues la lista puede ser por espacios o tabulares, si es con cambios de linea cambialo a una funcion recursiva:

for I in `cat list`; do cp $I directorio/; done

AA2 said...

program from


# programa obrtenido de la red y modificado en cuanto a la localizacion del tar
# referencia
# Cameron Hayne ( Sept 2005

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;

my $scriptName = basename($0);
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2)
print("usage: $scriptName file1 [file2 file3 ...] destDir");
exit 1;

my $destDir = pop(@ARGV);
my @files = @ARGV;
die "$scriptName: $destDir is not a directory\n" unless -d $destDir;
die "$scriptName: $destDir is not writable\n" unless -w $destDir;
foreach my $file (@files)
die "$scriptName: $file is not a file\n"
unless -f $file;
die "$scriptName: File $file does not exist or is not readable\n"
unless -r $file;


my $tmpFile = "/tmp/$scriptName$$";
my $tarCreateCmd = "tar -cf $tmpFile";
foreach my $file (@files)
my $fname = basename($file);
my $dname = dirname($file);
$tarCreateCmd .= " -C $dname $fname";
system($tarCreateCmd) == 0
or die "$scriptName: failed to create tar file: $!\n";;

chdir($destDir) or die "$scriptName: failed to chDir to $destDir: $!\n";

my $tarExtractCmd = "tar -xf $tmpFile";
system($tarExtractCmd) == 0
or die "$scriptName: failed to extract tar file: $!\n";;

unlink($tmpFile) or die "Failed to unlink $tmpFile: $!\n";

AA2 said...

Programa por Juan Caballero, se utiliza para separar en archivos fasta un archivo multifasta. muy util Gracias Juan!!
(los &lt y &lgt representan realmente <, y >. )

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

$/ = ">";
$ARGV[0] or die "usage: perl FASTA\n";
open S, "$ARGV[0]" or die "Error reading $ARGV[0]\n";

while (<S>) {
if (/^[\w|\d]+/) {
my $id = $&;
die "Uniq identifier exists\n" if (-f "$id.fasta");
open O, ">$id.fasta" or die "Error writing output\n";
print O ">$_";
close O;
close S;

AA2 said...

the next lines could be useful when you are working in a cluster, the example are about a blast analysis, please, check the lines careful, because I guess the address must be updated.

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
export BLASTDB=/share/bio/ncbi/db/
export BLASTDIR=/opt/Bio/ncbi/bin/
export BLASTMAT=/opt/Bio/ncbi/dat

$BLASTDIR/blastall -p blastn -i file.seq -d $BLASTDB/NR/nr -o file.blast -e 0.0001 -m 8 -a 2


AA2 said...

REMOVING \n in FASTA files from with perl

from @linxe
removing "\n" in fasta files: perl -ane 's/\n// unless(/>/); print $_' < fasta > new_file

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